Chamomile tea for colic. It’s known to calm the stomach and relax the intestinal tract. First, sure to buy a tea that only has chamomile in it and not other ingredients, After you brew some, let it cool down to room temperature, then put a one or two ounces in a bottle between feedings. Be sure not to give them more than a couple of bottles a day — otherwise the tea will take up too much space in the baby’s belly and lessen their daily milk intake.
Baking soda for bug bites. Mix just enough water into it to make a paste, then apply it to the bites and let it dry out. The acidic swelling of the bites gets reduced by the alkaline in the baking soda.
Ice packs for nosebleeds. First and most importantly, check that there are no objects in the child’s nose. Once that’s ruled out, gently pinch the soft part of the nose (if the child will tolerate it and can breath through their mouth) and apply ice packs to the nose and cheeks, which will constrict the blood vessels. If the child is crying, be sure to calm them down before you start, as crying makes nosebleeds worse.