How to cure cough fast at home

What is cough?

Cough is a disturbance at throat, passing of air form lungs. In general, the cough that lasts for less than three weeks.

Facts on coughs

Here some points about the cough.

1.    Some coughs are spread to new one.

2.    Some types of coughs only occur at night.

3.     If the cough is difficult to reduce, a chest X-ray may be necessary.

4.    Home remedies can reduce the coughs.


The most of coughs are caused by viruses and cleared without treatment.

In most of cases, the infection is in the upper respiratory tract and affects the throat, this is known as Upper Respiratory Infection. Some Example

·       Flu and
·       Common cold

If it is an Lower Respiratory Tract Infection, the lungs are effected. Example includes:
·       Bronchitis and
·       Pneumonia


A cough may occur with signs and symptoms, which includes:
  • ·       A runny nose
  • ·       Liquid running down the back of your throat
  • ·       Wheezing and shortness of breathing
  • ·       Heart burn
  • ·       In rare case coughing with blood

When to be conduct the doctor :

If the cough is more than 3 weeks we need to contact with doctor.
Other reason to see medical advice:
  • ·       The cough is getting continuously
  • ·       There are swelling at neck
  • ·       Weight loss
  • ·       Difficulty to swallow
  • ·       Changes in sound of the voice
  • ·       Coughing with blood
  • ·       Difficult to breath
  • ·       Heart burn/Chest pain


  • ·       Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with warm water. Drink this mixture once or twice a day.
  • ·       Stir the half spoon of salt into cup of warm water until it dissolves it. Let the mixture sit at the back of the throat for a few moments before spitting it out.
  • ·       Ginger may ease an asthmatic cough. It relieves from pain.
  • ·       Take 1 glass of boiled milk and add the pinch of turmeric, two to three crushed pepper balls and drink it at early morning for two to three days


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