Mostly there
are 2 types of coughs:
1. Dry cough
2. Wet cough
1.Dry cough:
It is a cough. A dry cough is having
an itchy sensation at throat. There are
some home remedies
for reducing the dry cough take 10 black pepper corns and
boil them in a glass of water. Boil the water till it reduces to half glass.
Filter the pepper corns, mix the half tea spoon of honey and take the small
sips it will decrease the cough within two days.
2.Wet cough:
It is one in which mucus builds up
in the chest. If you have a wet cough, you may feel tightness in your chest and
you may hear a wheezing sound when breathing. This mucus build up is difficult
to get rid of coughing.